Ben Bilemy AKA Mostly Harmless
John doe AKA Ben Bilemy, Mostly Harmless & Denim
Sex: Male
Race: White
Location: Ochopee, Florida
Found: July 23, 2018
Unidentified for 2 years
Age approximation 35 - 50
Height 5' 8 - 5'10
Eye color: may be blue/gray
Weight approximation 83 pounds
Cause of death is Starvation
Two Hikers found him dead in his yellow tent on the Trail in Ochopee, Florida.
He has a fine linear scar on his abdomen. He had good teeth. He may have worked in the tech industry. He could be from New York,Illinois, or Florida. There are many pictures of him on the internet from other hikers who met him while they were hiking the Appalachian Trail.
To Report information please call the Collier County Sheriff's Office at 239-252-9300.
The Collier County Sheriff’s Office is working with Othram to use advanced DNA testing and forensic genealogy to establish an identification of, or to find nearest kin to the decedent.
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