Sudden Unexpected Death In Epilepsy

Today I feel the need to spread some awareness about SUDEP and Epilepsy. My sweet handsome amazing nephew Dylan AKA Superman passed away due to SUDEP because he had epilepsy. He was only 17 years old. It happened in his sleep on April 24, 2020. We all miss him and love him so much. He was our always smiling ray of sunshine. So I want to help educate people and spread information about this horrible monster that is taking people's lives.

When you are living with epilepsy the risk for SUDEP is a real and very big concern. Some studies state that there are 1.16 cases for every 1000 people with epilepsy each year. That is a lot of people this monster takes each year. We need to find a cure for epilepsy so there will be no more chances of SUDEP. There is always hope for a cure.

Most cases of SUDEP occur while having a seizure or right after a seizure. So please avoid seizure triggers if you can. Some seizure triggers include, not enough sleep, too much alcohol, flashing lights, forgetting your medications, and stress. The exact cause of SUDEP is not known, but if we all can help  spread awareness about this awful and cruel thing taking our family members lives from us we may be able to find that cause. Tell your doctor about SUDEP because they may be unaware not everyone knows about this. 

These are some great sites to find out information about SUDEP and Epilepsy. Please share them with anyone and everyone. 

Praying for all families who have lost a loved one due to epilepsy or SUDEP or who is fighting epilepsy now or in the future. You are all warriors. Keep on fighting and fight for a cure!! 

My Beautiful sister and brother-in-law with
their son Dylan! My handsome nephew.


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