The Me that was Hidden Inside

💜YOUNIQUE💜 I DO NOT SELL YOUNIQUE ANYMORE!! Yes, I'm still selling Younique Makeup and Skincare. I started last July and I gave myself a year to build my business. I'm not doing so great in sales, but I am learning a lot about myself. I have gained so much confidence over the last 7 months. It has been a great learning experience. I have met some amazing ladies on this journey. You see before I started selling makeup I had no confidence in myself at all. I always thought I was ugly, because that is what I was told growing up. I was bullied by other children because I wore glasses and many other reasons. I was called all kinds of names. I was picked on and slapped on. It was not fun at all. It still happens on occasion. Someone will call me ugly or fat. I don't understand how people can be so mean to others. I have never understood humans. I never liked being in pictures. I couldn't even look at myself much because I believed that I was ugly and that is what I saw w...