The Me that was Hidden Inside



Yes, I'm still selling Younique Makeup and Skincare. I started last July and I gave myself a year to build my business. I'm not doing so great in sales, but I am learning a lot about myself. I have gained so much confidence over the last 7 months. It has been a great learning experience. I have met some amazing ladies on this journey.

You see before I started selling makeup I had no confidence in myself at all. I always thought I was ugly, because that is what I was told growing up. I was bullied by other children because I wore glasses and many other reasons. I was called all kinds of names. I was picked on and slapped on. It was not fun at all. It still happens on occasion. Someone will call me ugly or fat. I don't understand how people can be so mean to others. I have never understood humans. 

I never liked being in pictures. I couldn't even look at myself much because I believed that I was ugly and that is what I saw when I looked in the mirror.... the ugly girl that was bullied. Not only was I bullied, but at the age of 12 a monster raped me and my world was shattered even more. I used alcohol to get rid of the images that I carried around in my head. The alcohol just let more bad things happen. I quit drinking when I was about 24 and everything came rushing back. 

Its been a long long road to learning that I am a person too and its not okay to let people do what they want to me. I would just let people use me and walk on me and then throw me away. I've been hurt so much in my life most of the stuff I just keep held in. Its better that way. I have very few friends. I have trust issues. I'm afraid of everyone and everything. I am highly sensitive and I have Aspergers. I've had a lot of counselors in my life.

I feel safe as long as I stay in my house away from the world. And that is how I found Younique. I wanted a job I could do where I didn't have to work with people face to face. So, I gave Younique a try and I have learned that not all women are mean and nasty. I have met some really great ladies selling Younique. I don't have to work around men. I have learned that I look ok in pictures. I feel good about myself, much more than I used to. 

I am really grateful that GOD led me to this amazing young lady that sold me Younique and I soon started selling it. I am thankful for this Journey. It has helped heal my soul some. It has helped me find the confidence I never even knew I had. 

Click here to Visit My GODs Gang Page

Me when I was 12

Me at 11

Me waving bye

Me now


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