COVID19 is Real

👿COVID19 is terrible 👿 It has been awhile since I have posted. COVID19 struck our family and thank GOD we survived because a lot of people don't. It is a horrible disease and we are praying for everyone that has it and we are praying that those of you who don't have it don't get it. Please follow precautions. Believe me you don't want this. We are still suffering after affects from the virus. It is horrible. Our experience from COVID19 started September 24, 2020 when my husband came home sick from work and his work called him later that day and advised him to go get tested because others at his work tested positive and sure enough he tested positive for SARS2 COVID. My husband had mild to moderate symptoms. I had moderate to critical symptoms. Our children thank the LORD did not get really bad symptoms. Some of the symptoms we had were cough, sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, headache, joint pain, joint popping, hot and cold chills, shaking, muscle and whole body aches...