❤ PAIN ❤

I am now on day 10. My husband is on day 12. We are doing much better! Kids are doing good. Thank GOD for answered prayers!! Thank you GOD for good family and friends!! 

Some insight into the pain of the COVID19 virus

On day 8 This is the worst virus/disease ever. It is so painful. It feels like someone is stabbing me all over my body. At one point I was on my bed with ice packs all over my body and cold rags on my head. My skin feels like its burning and its rashed up and it hurts to touch. I have had a fever for 5 days now. It is like the pain is working its way through my body. It started with a severe headache and sore throat that I had for 4 days. The light hurts my eyes and it felt as though they were going to pop out of my head. The pain in my back hurts so bad that it is hard to lay down or sit in a chair because it hurts to touch. There is pain every where. Last night was the worst. I was shaking and sweating profusely. I think that I may have hit my peak that the health department keeps talking about. I have no appetite at all and nothing taste good. I have a slight cough in the morning when waking up. I have not had any snotty nose or congestion yet. Thank GOD. 

This virus affects people in many different ways. Please be careful out there.

My husband is on day 10 and he is doing better. He has a slight cough and snotty nose. He didn't get a fever, but he had severe pain.

I'm so thankful to GOD that my husband is okay. I pray for all the people that has had this awful virus. I pray for all the people that have lost loved ones due to this virus. I pray that GOD will heal our world and everyone who has this virus. Stay safe out there. 🙏🙏❤️🙏🙏


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