
 💜Dylan King💜

Dylan King is my handsome nephew. He was always a delight to be around. Just seeing him smile brought joy to my heart. He had a smile of pure happiness. His high fives and hugs were the best ever. Aunt Lizz loves and misses you sweet Dylan. You were and always will be the best nephew in the whole wide universe!! I love you superman Dylan.

You see my nephew had epilepsy and a chromosome disorder. He used to run and play and sing. He had the sweetest voice ever. I loved hearing my Mom and Dylan sing together. It was the best. I think one of his favorite things to do was run. He loved running. I bet that is what he is doing right now up in heaven! Running pain free through a bunch of balloons while singing. Dylan loved balloons!! 

As Dylan got older he started having seizures. Seizures took his ability to sing and run away. He had to be put on medication to help control his seizures. He had a lot of seizures. Seizures are horrible. Poor Dylan. It was horrible to stand there and watch him having a seizure and you can't do anything to stop it from happening. I wish I could have stopped his seizures or have been able to do something to help him. The seizures and medication took everything away from him. 

Dylan had other complications too, but I will let his parents tell those parts of his story. 

November is epilepsy month and I am spreading awareness on epilepsy and SUDEP. My sweet nephew died this year. He passed away in his sleep from SUDEP which was caused by his seizures. He was only 17 years old. 

Please help spread awareness on epilepsy for Dylan and everyone else who suffers from seizures. If more people are aware of the problems that come from epilepsy maybe more doctors and scientist can help discover a new healthier way of putting a stop to epilepsy and SUDEP or at least control the seizures better so that SUDEP can't happen. 

Please pray for his family and all families who have lost a loved one from SUDEP and epilepsy. 

If you would like to visit Dylan's Facebook page click HERE.

We love you SUPERMAN aka Dylan!! 


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