Good Morning!

Ever been to a Sun Flower Field? 

I've never been to one. So, next week is coming fast and I'm kind of excited. My sister and her family invited me and my family. We are going to go take pictures and check out the beautiful works of art GOD has created.

I hope my anxiety doesn't get the best of me. Whenever I have to be around a lot of people I get very nervous. I have suffered with anxiety my whole life and its not fun. My anxiety and fear has kept me from doing lots of things in life. I'm gonna try not to let my fear of things get in the way of a good time. Wish me luck!! 

I don't even really know what the fear is from and why I have anxiety. I think maybe its from being bullied as a child and I learned how evil people are at a very young age. So, I'm very anxious around people and yes family makes me anxious too.

I usually just like to hide and stay to myself. Things are better that way. Then I don't have to feel that rush of fear and anxiety. But, when I hide I miss out on a lot of things in life. A lot of good times are lost. I WANT to live!! 

Anxiety has taken so much of my life its not good. I am unable to drive anymore and that happened in my early 30ties. I don't have many friends. I stay in my house 24/7 unless its shopping day and I fear that day badly and now that we have to wear a face mask in public places it makes it so much worse.

I will just think about all the good memories we will make at the Sun Flower Field and it will be a special day to look back on. And best of all I will have plenty of pictures of everyone to see for years to come. I love my family with all my heart! 



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