My Son

💓My son's learning everyday💓

I'd like to share some of my son's drawings and a few other things about him with you guys. He is learning to draw like his big sister. I think his artwork is really good. 

My son has had some learning difficulties in his young life. He is a little behind in learning because he has dyslexia and I believe he has Asperger like I do. He didn't learn how to walk until he was 16 months old and even when he learned to walk he still didn't want to. He would complain that his legs hurt him and all he wanted was to be carried. The doctors checked him out and they said everything was okay that he just had low muscle tone because he wasn't walking. My husband and I were carrying him around up until he was about 6 years old. He would walk a little but not much. Thankfully he is fine with walking today.

He didn't learn how to read until he was around 8 and he still has complications with being able to sound out the words so he can say or spell them correctly. He gets words and certain numbers confused easily even when he learned the words previously. It took him from pre-k to 2nd grade to learn the alphabet, but he learned it. We tried teaching him the alphabet starting when he was 1 years old like we taught our other 3 children. He learned it though and that was an awesome milestone for him! He works hard at learning and I am very happy that he is learning. 

My son is 11 years old and he is suppose to be in the 6th grade, but he is only working at a 4th grade level. He is working at his own pace. He is learning and thriving and that is all that matters. He has a very brilliant mind. He is one awesome child. I love him dearly! And his drawings are amazing. He is amazing!

Read the birthday card below that he made for his big sister's birthday which is coming up soon. He is a sweet and very thoughtful young man. He loves his big sister. He also likes to annoy her every chance he gets, but I guess that is what little brothers do. The love between siblings is a special bond that should never be broken. 

Mommy loves you guys always and forever.


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