
 Weird Things are Happening in our house!!

Last night while we were watching T.V. our smoke detector went off and it was extra loud and a woman's voice was saying FIRE! FIRE! We never heard the voice part before so it was very strange and creepy. My youngest son was very scared as was the rest of us. We checked for smoke but was unable to find any. So, we went outside and checked the front and back of the house and the roof and still didn't find any smoke. We went back in and everything seemed to be okay. Later on when we went to bed we could hear footsteps walking across the floor. 

I have this picture of my nephew sitting on my desk and the picture keeps slamming itself down, but none of the other pictures fall over. It has happened three times now. Also the mirror on my closet door apparently ripped itself off and slammed onto the floor? It was very loud and it sounded like someone was actually ripping the mirror off the closet door and then slammed it onto the floor really loudly. It happened right behind me while I was sitting at my desk. It scared the heck out of me. Our dog barks at something in the house but there is never nothing there! Upstairs in the living room there is the one very cold spot on the floor and it feels like a freezer when you walk on it or by it. Also in the living room our television turns itself off whenever it wants to.

My daughter and son was playing one of their kinect games and it was picking up another person who was not even there. The person was petting one of the animals on the game and there was nobody there?? It was very strange. My daughter came and got me and we watched it happening outside her bedroom door. The hand was moving up and down petting the animal on the screen. My kids are scared in this house. They don't even want to sleep in their own rooms. 

Ever since we moved to this house 3 years ago there has been some very strange things happening here. It always feels like there is someone hanging around but you can't see them. Many other weird things happen, just don't feel like typing about them all today. Do you have weird things happen in your home? I'm not sure what to think about it, but I hope whatever it is it stops!


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