I am 1 in 4

Together we can help end Child Sexual Abuse!

In light of the recent news and the ongoing abuse of our children and youth in this world, there are ways you can help. One of the main reasons Younique is a company I stand behind 110% is because this is their “Y” and also my Y. For  I AM 1 in 4.  I am a survivor.

Lets all help put an end to this horrible abuse going on all over the world. Lets save the babies, children, teens and adults from being the next victim. We may not be able to put an end to it, but we sure as heck can try. Who is with me?

Together we can all make an impact. I am truly grateful for you guys that have purchased Younique from me!! Thank you for supporting me as well as supporting the survivors of child sexual abuse.  I AM 1 in 4. That means either me, you, or someone we know has been a victim. I know how it feels to be abused. I have been there  more times than I care to remember. There are still days where I feel I can no longer exist, but I keep going because I am a survivor.

Every single purchase made with me supports the Y foundation and it provides hope and healing to the survivors of childhood sexual abuse. This is the main reason why (my Y) I am selling Younique's makeup and skin care. Every single purchase counts!

Please pass this on to a friend that might need to see it. You never know what a person is going through. Stand up and speak out!! There is hope and healing! 



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