
⭐Making Memories⭐

Yesterday was a good day. Its always a good day when I get to see my grandson Joey and my daughter Rebecca and her husband John. Looking forward to next Saturday so I can see them again!

My youngest daughter stands in front of the window looking and waiting for them to arrive. She loves her nephew so much. My youngest son loves when they come over too because he gets his brother in law to play video games with him.

We went to the park for a little while and watched Joey play and throw dirt at everyone. He is adorable and so intrigued with everything. He makes my heart happy. His beautiful and adorable smile lights up the whole atmosphere. 

John and Rebecca bought everyone a snowball at the park. The snowballs were so good the bees were even trying to eat them. Joey wanted some of everyone's snowball.

I made chili for dinner. My mom, aunt. sister and her husband, my niece and her husband and their little girl all came to dinner too. I love times like these. My sister brought little mini corn bread muffins and my niece brought a cookies and cream cake. It was all delicious. The best part about the day was seeing my family. I love you guys! 

I love my family so much including the ones I never get to see. Cherish your family. Love them. Make memories. Life doesn't last forever.


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