Not Giving Up

πŸ’œ36 Pounds DownπŸ’œ

I lost 3lbs this week. I'm so happy because I was at a stand still for the last two weeks. At least I was able to stay the same weight for those two weeks. 

I thought about giving up, but I don't want to do that again. I have done that again and again for the last 13 years. I give up too easily on lots of things in life. I don't want to give up anymore. I want to lose this weight and keep it off. I want to be happy and healthy. That's why I quit smoking to begin with so I could be healthy, but instead I learned a new unhealthy habit.... EATING TOO MUCH!

So this time around I am going to lose this weight and learn to keep it off for good. I started this weight loss journey on July 29, 2019 and I was doing good until February 16, 2020. Then I messed up again and I started over July 18, 2020. I have managed to lose 36lbs so far.

This time around I am not giving up!! To anyone out there fighting a battle You can do it! Just don't give up. Stay strong and keep going. GOD will get you through! 


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